World Premiere Comedy! Greetings Friend Your Kind Assistance is Required opens Jan 5!

From Georgia Ensemble Theatre:

When retired schoolteacher Rhonda Charles opens an email in her spam folder with the subject line, “Greetings Friend your kind assistance is required,” the journey of a lifetime begins. With her best friend Marybeth in tow, Rhonda travels to the mysterious kingdom of Zardelgnia, facing down guerilla fighters and attempting to rescue the captured Crown Prince. Along the way, Rhonda and Marybeth encounter danger, unexpected romance, and a new sense of purpose - proving it’s never too late to find new adventure.
WORLD PREMIERE COMEDY from Atlanta's Favorite Playwright Topher Payne. Directed by Shannon Eubanks.
StageJef Holbrook
Filming "Office Uprising"

Honestly not much more I can say about that today, at least not until the film is released. If I make if off the cutting room floor I'll let you know. =)

In the meantime, here's some articles from IMDB and Variety:


FilmJef Holbrookmain
Now in Rehearsal for Greetings, Friend! Your Kind Assistance is Required at Georgia Ensemble Theatre
Around the table for the first read

After a bit of hiatus from theatre, I'm happy to be back onstage with Georgia ensemble theatre in Greetings Friends Your Kind Assistance is Required. Without giving too much away, I am playing multiple characters in this world-premiere comedy. My current favorite is Harish, a "most unfortunate man." Having a blast! Show opens Jan. 5. Tickets available at

StageJef Holbrook